IBC1 Enterprise Resource Planning | ERP Companies Los Angeles
Sage Pro ERP, ACCPAC Pro and SBT Pro Series Support
At IBC, we support all prior and current versions of Sage Pro ERP, ACCPAC Pro and the SBT Pro series. We know this product inside and out. Give us your most difficult problem — chances are good we’ve seen your problem before…and solved it.
We offer training, implementation, custom programming, repair and report writing services. We design custom forms. We offer integration with other products and web sites. We fix poorly-constructed general ledgers and clean up cluttered, useless inventory lists. We scrub customer lists of duplicates plus purge-and-merge data. We can guide you through an upgrade. We fix buggy old code. We move modifications forward through newer versions of Sage Pro. These are only a few of the services we provide to users of Sage Pro ERP, ACCPAC Pro and the SBT Pro Series.

Keep your Sage Pro ERP (or ACCPAC Pro or SBT Pro Series) running or upgrade. We can extend the life of your current system or guide you through a safe, painless upgrade. The best ERP system may well be the one you already have.
Why Sage Pro ERP? There are many reasons:
Source code. Sage Pro ERP (and ACCPAC Pro and SBT Pro Series) offers a complete source code license. Few other systems have this, and none that contain the breadth of modules and features included in Sage Pro. Open source code and open database sets Sage Pro apart from the rest of the ERP market.
With source code, users can tailor their accounting system to fit their requirements at a fraction of the cost of completely custom-written software. Other systems offer customization strategies, APIs and programming hooks. Sage Pro offers complete source code. The flexibility afforded by IBC handling your source code gives you a powerful advantage over your competitors. With source code, we can do what others cannot. With source code, your software works just as you want it to.
Modular design. Sage Pro ERP offer a modular approach to business accounting. You choose the modules your business needs, and you can add more as your business grows. IBC’s Sage Pro users buy only the software they need and no more.
Industry-specific third-party solutions. There is a large library of 3rd-party enhancements for Sage Pro ERP. We know these modules and recommend those that fit your requirements. Do you want to automate your warehouse operations with bar-codes? We have a solution. Do you want to automate your field sales representatives? We have a solution. Want to automate UPS and FedEx shipping with tracking number and shipping cost write-back into Sage Pro? At IBC, we got it. Do you handle special orders and need a way to link customer orders to vendor POs? We have that for you as well.
Need SBT Pro Series, ACCPAC Pro or Sage Pro ERP help?
We've got you covered. IBC. Contact us today.